SocialBee Reviews

We love our customers and they love us!
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Before working with SocialBee I felt I was all over the place and not consistent with my social media. I didn't have a schedule and really didn't know what I should be posting.

At first, I really liked the format of the SocialBee App. It seemed intuitive and easy to use. Then, SocialBee really just put things into perspective for me. Everything was laid out so well.

I quickly discovered that SocialBee can easily help you organize your social media postings, scheduling, and types of content. I think they're doing a great job.

The outcome of working together is that I actually like my posts now. I see them pop up on schedule, and it makes me smile. I feel my social pages look more professional and have better content now. It's awesome.

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Before trying SocialBee I had tried: HootSuite, Loomly, Sprout Social, Air Table, Buffer, Zoho, and more.

After spending an entire day trying platform after platform, getting frustrated by each one for a variety of reasons, I finally stumbled upon SocialBee.

From the moment I tried the platform, I was put at ease. It really worked! The onboarding process was clear and easy. The step-by-step instructions took me quickly and easily through the process.

As the leader of several nonprofits, I appreciate SocialBee because it truly helps lift up organizations and messages that are truly about saving our environment for present and future generations and giving constitutional power to secure true environmental justice.

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We were looking for a solution that would help us serve up the most relevant content to our audience on a consistent basis. So, we decided to use SocialBee because of the simplicity of the platform and the ease of use.

The team are really responsive and always available to help or answer questions.

Now our feed is full of evergreen content and we’re confident that our followers are liking what they see.

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At the very beginning, I was looking for a way to grow my newsletter.

I had a Facebook page I started. I was using Buffer to update it but it was a lot of hours of basically manual labor to find articles and quotes so I spent a good amount of time every day to keep it going.

I knew that my Facebook page would be the primary channel to build a newsletter, but managing it took a lot of time.

Once I found SocialBee, managing my social media became much easier.

After I filled the content categories and set up the calls to action for people to join the newsletter via social posting, I started getting more subscribers. I was getting about 100 subscribers a day on Facebook and Twitter.

Probably around 30% of the subscribers came from Twitter, a channel I never really thought about pursuing in the past because it seemed so much work and I did not know how to do it effectively. SocialBee helped a lot with gaining subscribers.

I don’t think my business would have succeeded at all if it wasn’t for SocialBee.

I’ve been using Buffer for a couple of years before SocialBee and I looked into a lot of other social media platforms. I liked Buffer because the user interface is very clean, but Buffer requires a lot of work to find content and to get the right mix, as it’s all done manually.

SocialBee was amazing by being able to set on a fine level which content goes out in what order and how much of a certain type of content goes out, and being able to invest time in the beginning to create content categories and then just have them run, saves so much time.

I’ve looked a lot at all the other services out there, but there isn’t any that does it like SocialBee does it. For the type of business I run I definitely need to be able to recycle the content. That’s very important to me.

SocialBee worked so well for me and I ended up basically being able to build a business out of SocialBee and earning money so I can now live in Bali.

I can now live the Tim Ferriss four hour workweek life because of SocialBee.

I can talk about the tool, but I think one thing for me you did specifically well: there were oftentimes where I thought things that could be better for my situation with SocialBee, that could make it easier for me, and more efficient.

I know I told you a lot of things that could help me, and you guys implemented like 95% of them. That was really awesome. Your responsiveness to feedback was really really good.

And then the tool – being able to create different content categories and to be able to set them to go out at different intervals is for me really important.

Having the content categories, and being able to recycle content makes it possible to post more often, even if you don’t have a VA or you’re not working on it full time.

Working with SocialBee enabled me to build a large email list which I was able to sell. It allows me to live off the social media postings. The tool has really enabled me to build a business that I would not have been able to build otherwise. Well, I could, but it would have been far less cost-effective. I would have had to spend money to hire a VA or spend more of my time, managing everything.

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I was struggling with a lack of time to create content amidst all the other activities on my to-do list. What ended up happening is that I would schedule a couple week’s worth of posts and then move on to other activities for those couple weeks and then end up skipping the next few weeks of posting. It made my posting very scattered.

As I also got the Social Media Specialist Concierge Service, I was concerned that the content creators would not be able to mimic my tone and style easily, but that was not the case.

I love the freedom to cross the content creation piece off my list. I no longer have to schedule that piece in which the scheduling part alone saves me an average of 3hrs per month – not to talk about coming up with the post part. I also don’t have to worry or wonder if I’m making enough posts of the right type.

Since working with SocialBee’s Concierge services I’m less stressed about social media and I’m getting more likes and follows as a result of being consistent in posting and following SocialBee’s scheduling. I have seen my likes and follows increase. I’ve also been getting additional comments in person on my posting.

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SocialBee helps you drastically improve the efficiency on social media channels, letting you focus on creating the content and managing leads.

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At first I wasn’t sure how legit SocialBee was, but I got to see that they have great analytics and posts are easy to schedule. So, if you want to post evergreen content and have great analytics, try SocialBee!
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Before using SocialBee, we had no organization with social media. No solid plan.

We decided to use SocialBee due to its great features like post categories and evergreen content recycling.

Since then, we are posting consistently on our social media platforms.

SocialBee is a great platform which allows us to organize the content and post on multiple social platforms.

matthias allred
Matthias Allred
Owner, Skyline Insurance Agency
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I didn’t really understand how powerful SocialBee’s scheduling was it was until I tried it a few times and had to post under different scenarios. But now that I do, I love the flexibility and power it provides me.

Now I am able to post to all three of my social media accounts (FB, Twitter, and Pinterest).

SocialBee is a responsive company that offers excellent social media posting capabilities.

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I had used your competitors before and was not satisfied.

At first, SocialBee’s category-based posting system might seem very complicated, but now that I understand how it works, I can say that it is amazing. I’ve scheduled over 200 videos and over 170 images and once I figured out how the categories work I realized that your system saves me so much time and that it is the most logical and the simplest to use.

Plus, the customer service is amazing. The very best customer service I’ve ever received.

The almost real-time chat with Anca really helped me out. And the free half an hour walkthrough with Julia was also super helpful. I have to tell you that Anca was amazing. She was so professional and so patient with me. I asked question after question after question and she just simply answered them all really well.

SocialBee is the very best way to schedule your posts, besides having the very best customer service ever!

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Before working with the Concierge Team at SocialBee, I was having trouble keeping up to date with new content creation.

The good price, many features, and the option to add-on concierge services made me try out SocialBee.

The team at SocialBee is really good at content creation via their Concierge services, and this gave me stress-free social media posts for all my social profiles.

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Before working with SocialBee, we were building some great stuff, but almost no one was aware of the value we were providing to our customers.

The SocialBee content writing service is essential to our business. The SocialBee team helps us explain to the world in simple and effective words how are we helping our clients. But more importantly, they tell the story of our clients to inspire other entrepreneurs to take action and to build something awesome.

They are proactive and available for consultations about our communication strategy. Even more so – they are our thinking partner.

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SocialBee is the first one that has inspired me to actually take action and it’s a super-easy tool to use.

At first, there was the doubt about whether it would work as promised - too many tools and software these days don't, unfortunately.

It took a while to get to grips with it, although the support was first class, and now, it only takes a few minutes a day to schedule several days' worth of posts to multiple social media accounts.

I'm starting to get some traction on my social media, for the first time ever.

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I was posting from a bunch of different apps that were disrupting my workflow and wasted a lot of time.

What I like about SocialBee is the clean UI layout, attention to details and snappy response time of the website. Support is also top-notch.

The results I'd say are quite positive. Things are still ramping up. SocialBee is a great partner for managing posts across a bunch of different social platforms.

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Before using SocialBee my social profiles were suffering due to my lack of time!

I decided to use SocialBee because of its categories for content posting, good pricing, and the ability to post on all the major social platforms.

I was worried I wouldn’t be able to figure it out, but it is very user-friendly and help is just a click away. Emails are answered quickly, updates and information are relayed in changelog notices, and the willingness to reach out to “competition” to keep the customer’s options open is Ah-Ma-Zing.

Since working with SocialBee the timely posts keep my customers engaged plus they catch the eye of future store owners.

Our chain has more than doubled thanks to being able to get the word out and looking like we have more hours in the day than anyone else.

SocialBee is a sweet spot to drop articles and news as you find them, yet ensure that they are delivered like clockwork to your audience. The best silent partner I could ask for.

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Before we started using SocialBee we had to manually post on each of our Social accounts. As a startup and wearer of many hats, it was difficult to find time to post regularly, frequently, and across all our platforms.

I do a lot of research into companies and products before I commit. Especially looking at "hot/trending software". My past experiences have caused me to have some pause when seeing an offshore based company. But, all of my interactions with SocialBee were fantastic and I quickly felt comfortable.

SocialBee empowered me/us to schedule, customize, and push posts to all of our platforms (currently IG, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) for both my umbrella company and subsidiary. That saved me from having to login to 8 accounts!

I'm not a Social Media specialist and am delighted in what I am empowered to accomplish - SocialBee helped me post content often to all of my platforms, thus, saving me a ton of time to run my business.

In the future, as we grow, we plan to add more accounts to SocialBee and fully utilize all of the other features they have. They have a lot of features, many which we have yet to explore. My career has been in the software world. Often having a lot of features can reduce the quality of the primary features. They have done a good job handling it.

Their customer service is refreshingly wonderful. You don't feel alone. In all we do we seek being extraordinary. It's great to find another company which seeks excellence.

They’re great peeps who save me a ton of time by automating, customizing, scheduling, analyzing, and managing posts across the large number of social media platforms in one place.

In addition to the people at SocialBee, I found their pricing to be very reasonable for the power they provide. Awesome work all!

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One of my challenges in Social Media Marketing was smart content posting on multiple Social Accounts.

Before using Social Bee, we thought that most Social Media Marketing Software applications have issues with integration on multiple platforms and deliver poor support.

We found out that Socialbee is an efficient, feature rich software that is easy to use and provides guidance on how to simplify the management of content posting on Social Media Accounts. It showed good value for money too.

SocialBee helped me develop Smart Social Media Content Marketing Strategies for my business and reduced 50% of the time spent on marketing campaigns.

It is one of the most Powerful Social Media Content Marketing Tools in the industry.

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Before I began working with SocialBee I was taking so much time away from my clients and from my own family to try and do all the social media for my Facebook and Instagram, even though social media was not my area of expertise.

I was in search of someone or something that could really take that off my plate and in return be a good and useful resource for my business. I’ve been researching for a while, and in a particular group I am a part of several people began commenting about SocialBee.

What really sold me was that you had the Social Media Specialist that I could also use if I wanted to. SocialBee ticked all the boxes that I needed.

One of my biggest fears is that I have a very specialized niche and so I would not have a social media specialist who knew what I needed and what would fit my exact niche.

I’ve been working with Hilda, my designated social media bee, and I can not say enough great things about her. She is on top of everything. I never had to ask for something to be done. Everything is on time. If I have something that I want to have revised, she’s right on it.

Also, she does a lot of research. She has really found my niche, knows what kind of articles I look for, what captions to write for my blog posts, and what pictures to make for what that caption, besides making sure everything is loaded onto the platform.

It might take me 30 minutes out of my week to review everything, make adjustments, tell her if I want something added. SocialBee has exceeded my expectations.

The biggest outcome of working with SocialBee is that I feel like there has been a huge weight taken off my shoulders. I am not constantly in the morning or in the night scrambling so that my social media is taken care of.

I feel like I have given more time to my clients and to my business and that I have a lot more family time because I’m not consumed in social media anymore.

SocialBee is a lifesaver, especially for those who want to really focus on the business and the things that they enjoy (like their clients), putting 100% into your clients and taking the entire social media aspect off your shoulders.

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Before using SocialBee, my main issue is reaching the right people. That’s probably most small businesses’ problem.

I work as a professional speaker and an author, I’ve written 18 books, given 3100 speeches all around the world, so I’m pretty out there. I’m well connected. I’ve got a website with over 700 articles, a robust LinkedIn profile, a strong presence on Facebook, a little bit active on Twitter, but the only one that was easy for me to use was Facebook. I was looking for a way to do that much more easily.

I was previously using a system called Meet Edgar and it was good, but I like SocialBee better. It’s just been good for me.

The nice thing for me is that I don’t notice you’re there. I just notice you did the job.

I’m logged into Facebook and I see a post that came automatically through SocialBee. And it was easy to upload all of my content onto and easy to designate when I wanted things to appear, how often, and on which medium.

It’s very low effort, doesn’t require me to learn all new craft in order to be able to use SocialBee, and once I’ve got it loaded with a lot of valuable content, then it’s just a matter of occasionally creating new posts that can fit into the flow.

I’m reaching a lot of people I would not be able to reach without using SocialBee.

When we started working together I just had a few thousand people on LinkedIn and on Twitter maybe I had a couple of thousand. On Facebook, I was getting pretty close to my limit, but I’ve added Facebook pages and those are growing, and my LinkedIn is nearly 9K people now, and that’s just in the last year we’ve been together, so I see things growing pretty nicely.

Since using SocialBee, I’ve reached more people more regularly, and have a more loyal following.

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Before working with SocialBee, I had been wanting to share daily value posts across all my social media profiles for a long time, however, I never managed to get this done consistently. I also had a dormant Instagram profile and I wasn’t sure how to get more followers and engagement.

The benefit of a done-for-you social posting Concierge service for such a great price compared to the cost of hiring a VA to create daily posts made this really attractive for me.

I wasn’t sure how difficult the on-boarding process would be and whether my assigned SocialBee would know what kind of posts would work for my niche, but my dedicated social media bee, Ioana, is fantastic!

The style of posts is spot on, the quality is excellent and I’m getting lots of engagement on all my profiles.

People are commenting that they’re seeing me everywhere and this is thanks to Social Bee – it really is an excellent service at an amazing price. I also love that my daily posting is taken care of because this is something I’ve never been able to do consistently on my own. Big thumbs up from me!

The Instagram service is also getting good results and my followers have increased from 50 to over 500 in my first month.”

Since working with SocialBee, I’m getting good engagement (likes, comments) on my social posts and people have also contacted me offline to let me know they’re seeing me everywhere and enjoying my daily posts.

The SocialBee Concierge Social Media Specialist is a fantastic service that creates tailored daily social media posts and automatically posts to all your platforms.

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Before using SocialBee, I was looking for a tool that would allow me to automate having a wide yet focused reach on multiple social channels.

Even though I had uncertainty about my own social media strategy, I decided to use SocialBee as it came highly recommended by a trusted mentor. They have great customer service and an internal innovation strategy.

I get great value for money from using SocialBee’s tools and services and highly recommend it to anyone looking to create a coherent social media content strategy

Since working with SocialBee, I’ve grown a good size audience and have put a lot of valuable content out on 5 different platforms.

SocialBee offers social media marketing automation with a good mix of human interaction.

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Before working with SocialBee, I had an issue with managing posts and increasing user-engagement across my multiple social media platforms.

SocialBee is competitively priced compared to other solutions and offers more features than most other solutions. The bottom line is that you get more bang for your buck with SocialBee.

I have actually taken of SocialBee’s a la carte Concierge options in addition to their main platform.

SocialBee has saved me a tremendous amount of time by allowing me to easily post content across multiple social media platforms for an affordable price.

Since working with SocialBee, I have been able to post more content across multiple social media platforms in less time.

SocialBee makes it affordable and easy to grow your social media outreach efforts and increase the exposure of your business.

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I didn’t get on with Hootsuite and Buffer too well and didn’t have the funds for the more expensive but (and I’ve learned since) sometimes feature-poor alternatives.

SocialBee has been reliable, user-friendly and I haven’t needed to look elsewhere since I found them. It’s helped me automate social media posts for my clients and me.

SocialBee helps people post to various social media platforms at once and enable us to create a schedule for ongoing posting in a loop.

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I decided to use SocialBee because it is user-friendly, I like its graphic layout, and the fun messaging, besides the fact that it is very functional, efficient, and easy to use. It was love at first sight, just like after dating a long time with other potential partners.

I’m also really happy with the customer support service, and the friendliness of its members.

Since using SocialBee, I like to use social media and I don’t feel overwhelmed by the idea that I should be on social media for at least one hour a day.

SocialBee is a very user-friendly and effective social media organizer.

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Before working with SocialBee, I couldn’t stand scheduling posts for my social media profiles.

I’ve seen some reviews, but doubted it could really work as advertised – seemed too good to be true; so I researched it and watched videos and made my decision.

I am now convinced. Since working with SocialBee, I’ve been able to rest more and be at ease with posting.

SocialBee made my social media life much easier.

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Before working with SocialBee I was doing all of my posts manually.

I found SocialBee while I was looking for a social media scheduler.

They offered me great customer service, timely responses; updates, and more.

My work life is a whole lot easier! It makes my side business worth doing!

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Before using SocialBee, I was overwhelmed by social media!

The good price and ease of use convinced me to give SocialBee a try, even though I wasn’t sure how good you are but YOU ARE GOOD!

Now I can see how my media​ is laid out so I can adjust and move to better time slots if I need to.

Since working with SocialBee, my traffic is being generated even though I am not online 24/7 (I am human after all!).

SocialBee makes my life easier, and more controllable​.

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I love using Social Bee. It is easy to use and makes scheduling to social media a breeze.

It has made a huge difference in my social media presence.

Thanks, SocialBee, for doing what you do so well!

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I chose SocialBee because of all the possibilities it offers. Their posting calendar is great and I love the ability to import posts as CSV. I really needed to save time!

I am able to promote my new book and blog post thanks to automated social posts that save me time, money and headaches!

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I am a mom of three kids 4 and under, and I run a professional photography studio out of my home office. I don’t have time to sit down and write content for my blog. It takes me too long to plan out ideas and then formulate an outline. Then I have to fill in… not to mention the formatting and headline tags. Oh, have I mentioned pictures yet??? It takes me 4 hours to forever to post a successful article to my blog.

SocialBee really took the time to get to know what my needs were. I was super impressed with the first article they wrote – I only had to make a few minor tweaks.

SocialBee were really good at the onboarding and listening. You really got my messaging through all the questions you asked on the intake form. I was super impressed by the roadmap you sent me outlining my business better than I have. You nailed it!

SocialBee is a social media scheduling company that also helps with content curation and creation. If you need a scheduler for your own content, then they are great! If you need to create content, they can help with that too.They will save you a ton of time if you are willing to put in the time and effort up front to communicate what you want.

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Before working with SocialBee, I had challenges managing multiple social platforms and many sources of content to share. There are so many social media management tools it is hard to know which will live up to its claims. SocialBee is one of the few that does!!

SocialBee makes managing social media much easier.

I’m all about efficiency and SocialBee allows me to schedule content from a variety of sources, and distribute it across all of my channels. There is INCREDIBLE power in the curation and scheduling tools!

Since working with SocialBee, I have reduced the time and headspace dedicated to managing social media.

SocialBee is a service that is easy to learn, incredibly powerful, and incredibly configurable. A service that just works.

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I could not find a Social Media Auto-posting tool that would post to all my Facebook groups as well as all my 14+ pages. I run 5 Facebook groups and was manually creating posts for them each month, as you can imagine that took tons of hours and I could not get any real productive work done. Not to mention all of my multiple Twitter accounts.

Thank God for Social Bee literally saving me hours of my precious life. The team are awesome and it’s the best Social Media Auto-posting tool on the planet.

At first, it looked a bit daunting and took me a while to figure out, but once I did with the free onboarding session, I felt I can finally fly and truly automate all my business while I sleep. The future possibilities with Social Bee are endless.

SocialBee excels at customer service. The auto-posting tool is amazing. Posting to Facebook groups is the essential feature that I think other companies lack, because groups are where the credibility building happens, and those people are likely to buy your products and services the most, after you have nourished a relationship with those people in them, which requires you to be seen in them frequently, so thank you to Social Bee for allowing me to do that.

Since working with SocialBee I saved hundreds of hours, I managed to build and maintain a relationship with people in my groups and got tons of lead opportunities on Twitter.

Social Bee is the best Social Media Auto-posting tool I have ever used in my life.

Once you get used to it, it’s a lot easier to use than others and will save you hundreds of hours of your life, so you can be more productive in your business. It’s a great tool to use for your social media campaigns and their customer service is outstanding. If there is one company that can help make you money while you sleep, this is it.

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One of the biggest and time-consuming problems I had before SocialBee was having to schedule manually content every single day. I didn’t have a way to save some of the posts for future sharing or even create an evergreen queue to regularly share my own content.

I chose SocialBee first and foremost for its ease of use. It’s so easy to use, so intuitive that it doesn’t require you hours to learn how to use the app.

Second, having the “categories” feature is awesome. When you start using the app, you can create categories for different types of content. Then you only have to focus on adding content to those categories.

The best part is you see at every moment the type of content to be published next, in what category you should add more content and so on. You can literally create a social media sharing strategy directly in SocialBee.

And the third thing that made me choose SocialBee over any other tool out there was the speed with which the team works on improving and adding new features to the app. I haven’t seen anything like it.

Oh, and the awesome customer service. Thumbs up, guys!

SocialBee is the sweetest partner to work with, for sure. They did a lot of stuff I like. Here are my faves: always working on improving the app, making quick changes when algorithms change and keeping us in the loop, stellar customer service.

SocialBee is taking the stress out of my day regarding sharing my content and my clients’ content on social media. Now it’s fun to schedule content in advance. Plus I have more time to focus on creating content rather than spending time scheduling.

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I’ve never had the time to stock my social media queues and I was fed up with creating posts about my published articles again and again.

SocialBee was the first service that had a good price AND content libraries (content categories) and the ability to pull in third-party content via RSS feeds.

When we first started using them, in 2016, the user interface was a bit confusing, but it has become very tidy and fast to work with since.

I love the quick support, the focus on customer value and the ability to supercharge my work by booking additional concierge services.

I figure we are saving at least 4 hours a week of work. For us, that translates to savings of at least 2.000 € each month.

SocialBee is a no-brainer for us. I recommend it to every agency owner as well as to any entrepreneur who wants to put their brand awareness campaigns on social media on autopilot.

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My business was expanding. I had gone from it being just myself as a freelance marketing consultant to needing a team which is a nice problem to have.

Previously we had been pretty much managing all of the social media organically. We hadn’t used any scheduling system at all. We were doing everything day by day. We were planning ahead the content but we were not scheduling ahead.

When it was just me, I quite liked doing it that way, because I was always a little nervous of planning a bit too far ahead, not being organic, not being reactive to whatever was going on, but we were getting to the point where we were just too big to be able to manage that anymore.

When we were starting to look for a better way to plan and schedule the content for our customers, we had looked at HootSuite and briefly at Buffer. There is a limitation with everything.

With HootSuite, I liked the platform but it was just completely cost prohibitive for the level of use I wanted. It was going to be a really expensive investment that I just could not afford because of the number of different accounts that I may be doing only a small amount on.

Somebody recommended you, that’s why I got in touch with you guys so it was to potentially solve my scheduling issue.

SocialBee gave us a platform that we can do pretty much everything we wanted to do on, which is great, rather than use multiple different platforms.

SocialBee helped to free up our time as a reasonably large agency to be able to focus on the details knowing that the big picture is being covered.

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SocialBee’s customer service is great, I love the brand, and that the tools are continuously improving.

Since working with SocialBee, my clients are happier to be working with me, and I am winning back my time spent on organizing posts for various clients.

SocialBee takes the boring things out of my daily routine. It’s the best tool to handle your social media “buzz”.

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SocialBee is the perfect way to streamline the posting process, prepare a schedule and publish posts across platforms in an easier, more efficient way. This increased the efficiency and amount of posts that I make.

The SocialBee platform is intuitive and easy to use, I particularly like the ability to add directly into the schedule the posts I want to publish. SocialBee allows me to work with multiple social platforms, with easy scheduling and analytics all within one intuitive interface.

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We needed a robust system to manage evergreen posts for our small business clients. The concept of subject categories is genius. It enables us to devise unique combinations of posts, then spice them up with a few random posts.

Whenever working with a new supplier, reliability can be a big issue. But it was never an issue with SocialBee. The Concierge on-boarding is excellent and the system just works.

I now have a solid partnership on which to build my social media offering. SocialBee is the best tool for managing evergreen social media posts.

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I didn't believe anyone could make a Social App that didn't need to be fed like a baby. But — SocialBee has proved me wrong.

I was losing so much time creating posts and fresh content for myself and my clients. And also failing to make the most of the Google Business Profile accounts.

With SocialBee's evergreen content, Google Chrome extension, and Google Business Profile integration, we're able to save a ton of time and get much better reach across channels. So, I’ve definitely gained a tool that will help me grow my and my clients’ businesses.

It brings a fresh, time-saving approach when it comes to increasing online exposure. They’re friendly, helpful and even the CEO responds to emails.

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I needed to focus on growing my business, which requires me to take on a lot of different roles. I was looking for a platform that would automate my social media so I could increase my presence online.

I have used many other social media platforms in the past and I have been frustrated that they did not reach my audience as they claimed they would. I loved how SocialBee curated my content and released it during the optimal times that my audience would be able to engage with it.

SocialBee has far surpassed my expectations, and I am delighted.

I loved how easy the platform is to use, and the customer service is superior. I felt like a part of the SocialBee family, not a customer who paid and was left to wander the platform alone.

Since working with SocialBee, I have grown my audience and increased engagement.

SocialBee is, by far, the best social media platform I have worked with. The curated content and customer service options are superior and have made the task of engaging with potential clients online more fun.

Quotation Created with Sketch.
SocialBee is a product I was scouting for so long. I grabbed it and upgraded it to the level that will make sense for my agency.

The support is excellent and very understanding. They’re always willing to help, even though I may have repeated a couple of times, seeking answers.

It’s a cooperative beehive and a team that works to create a win-win situation for everyone.

Quotation Created with Sketch.

Scheduling posts with SocialBee has helped our service club be more visible on social media without the hassle of manually sharing content every day.

Quotation Created with Sketch.

Before using SocialBee I had a hard time keeping track of and planning the content for myself and all of my clients’ social media profiles. SocialBee makes this process a lot easier!

Today I am using SocialBee for my client projects in order to manage the clients’ social media profiles and schedule their content.

SocialBee makes my work easier and my clients are very satisfied with the results.

I decided to use SocialBee because the product is very solid and it handles all the social media platforms I need. Initially, my biggest concern was related to SocialBee’s Instagram integration, but I’ve realized that setting it up is actually quite easy and now I use it daily.

I also LOVE the transparency of SocialBee: I can keep track of what is coming out on the SocialBee roadmap and see all of the new features the team is working on. I just love it how SocialBee keeps giving us (the users of SocialBee) awesome new features! I would only wish SocialBee was translated into other languages (as English is not my native language), but I’m sure this is coming down the road as well.

SocialBee makes it easier to post new content that inspires my audience which in turn brings me new clients. On top of this, using SocialBee to administrate my client projects saves me a lot of time.

Since working with SocialBee I’ve become more visible on social media.

Quotation Created with Sketch.
Not every business needs automated Social Media posting, but mine did and SocialBee had the best interface compared to other tools I tried. Therefore, I moved from another platform to SocialBee.

I needed to bring in RSS content from all sorts of places. I needed categories. I needed a scheduled posting. SocialBee has all that.

I was worried the interface would be terrible, or not make sense, or there would be too many clicks to accomplish simple tasks. But, the interface makes sense and the price is also great.

I can set it and forget it. I scheduled the content and I trust that SocialBee will be posting it for me. I don't need to check on SocialBee. SocialBee is an automated Social Media posting tool with a great calendar system.

I logged into my social accounts and saw new comments on the content SocialBee has posted for me. It's really nice. My followers counts have increased, and the amount of engagement on Twitter and LinkedIn has definitely increased.

They actively try to improve your outcomes by suggesting best practices for your campaigns. Bees are cool!

More Leads, Less Effort

Share content across multiple social media platforms from one place. Add, share and analyze your posts with absolute freedom.

14-day free trial, no credit card required

SocialBee Dashboard
Social Media Content Ideas
150+ Social Media Content Ideas

Get access to hundreds of social media content ideas, along with tips to start planning your posting calendar today.

NEW Integrations: Canva, Unsplash, and GIPHY! 
Use SocialBee’s integrations to create your social media graphics.
Then, share your posts across social profiles from one main dashboard.