Article Writing Services

Used by over 200+ happy customers

Article writing is a staple for every business seeking to stand out from the crowd. That’s why you need high-quality articles to showcase your expertise, fuel your social media efforts, and contribute to your SEO rankings. 

If you want to get your blog off the ground, we’re here to help. 

Explore our article writing services and choose the one that’s right for your business. From interview-based articles to educational content or article edits, we have what it takes to help you build a strong audience and increase your visibility online.

Weekly Articles
Monthly Articles

Article Writing
Weekly Light

$ 499 per Month
  • Includes: Articles, Article Edits

  • You'll get an 800-1200-word
    article per week.
  • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Article Writing
Weekly Standard

$ 649 per Month
  • Includes: Articles, Article Edits,
    Interview-Based Articles
  • You'll get an 800-1200-word
    advanced article per week.
  • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Article Writing
Weekly Plus

$ 799 per Month
  • Includes: Articles, Article Edits, Interview-Based Articles, Industry-Specific Articles
  • You'll get an 1200-1500-word
    industry-specific article per week.
  • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

How It Works

We Do the Writing, You Tell Us About Your Needs

Tell Us About Your Business
Step #1
Choose the article type and get started. Once you’ve made a purchase, we will send you an intake form with several questions about your business and your goals.
Tell Us About Your Business
Let Us Analyze Your Answers
Step #2
This is when we have a look at the answers provided in the intake form and examine your digital presence. Based on this, we'll come up with several content ideas for your business.
Let Us Analyze Your Answers
Meet Your Designated Bee
Step #3
Once the research is ready, a designated Content Writing Bee will reach out to you with a list of 10 blog post titles and a set of 15 SEO-friendly keywords.

Your Designated Bee will be in charge of your content and make sure it meets your needs.
Meet Your Designated Bee
Start Building Your Blog Presence
Step #4
Based on the approved list of blog titles, we will deliver your articles on a regular basis.

The key here is to post regularly. So if you happen to get an idea of a specific topic that you’d like addressed, do let your Content Writing Bee know and they can make it happen.
Start Building Your Blog Presence
Sit Back and Relax
Step #5
We want our writing to reflect your vision. Thus, we're responsive to feedback and open to editing every article that we produce for you.
Sit Back and Relax

Article Writing Light

Article Writing

Article Writing Plus


Word Count

800 - 1200

800 - 1200

1200 - 1500

Article Types

  • Standard Articles
  • Article Edits
  • Standard Articles
  • Interview-Based Articles
  • Article Edits
  • Industry-specific Articles
  • Interview-Based Articles
  • Article Edits
  • Royalty-free Images

    Article Visuals




    Custom Graphics

    $99 (Add on)

    $99 (Add On)

    $99 (Add On)

    Delivery Method

    Google Docs Draft

    WordPress Upload

    CMS of Choice Upload


    Requesting Edits Interval

    1 week

    2 weeks

    Up to 3 Months

    Implementing Edits Interval

    5 working days

    3 working days

    1 working day


    SEO-friendly Article Structure

    Optimized Titles & Subtitles

    Initial Keyword Research

    1 Primary Keyword

    5 - 7 Secondary Keywords


    Timely Keyword Content Audit

    Specialized Terminology

    Social Media Posts






    Internal Links




    External Authoritative Links





    Monthly Article Prices







    Weekly Article Prices







    Article Writing Light

    Article Writing Standard

    Article Writing Plus

    The SocialBee Article Writing service is essential to our business. The SocialBee team helps us explain to the world in simple and effective words how are we helping our clients.

    But more importantly, they tell the story of our clients to inspire other entrepreneurs to take action and to build something awesome.
    Marius Vetrici
    Founder and CEO, WPRiders
    SocialBee Article Writing sample

    Download the Sample for the Article Writing Service

    Download the sample below to get some of the work that we have previously done as part of the Article Writing Service.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who writes the articles?

    Our amazing content writing bees.

    These are real humans (we did not manage to train actual bees to write as well, yet) ready to help you craft articles that your audience will enjoy.

    Will I have control over what’s created?

    Yes, you will.

    Once we finish the 1st draft, we’ll do an internal QA before sending it your way. We submit every article in a Google Doc file, so you can easily comment and give us any feedback you might have.

    We rely a lot on your feedback at the beginning — to make sure that the content is just right. After a couple of rounds of feedback, most customers have little to no comments going forward.

    If any changes are necessary, just comment directly in the Google Docs article or send an email to your Designated Bee 

    If you have a Content Writing Plus, you can further opt to have your articles uploaded and published to your CMS of choice. Your designated bee will send you the link to the published article every time they upload a new one.

    Can you also publish the articles on my blog?

    Yes, we provide CMS uploads for our Standard and Plus plans. You can opt for the Article Writing Standard if you want your article uploaded in WordPress. Under the Article Writing Plus, we can upload the articles in the CMS of your choice.

    How come I should just use

    We use a ticketing system behind our shared email, so we can easily manage our workflow, assign each email to the right bee, and work together as a team whenever it’s needed.

    This way, when your designated bee is on holiday (yes, even bees need some time off from time to time), another bee can take over and have the full context of your business.

    Plus, whenever it’s needed, we can jump on a video call with you. Just let us know when.

    Are the articles relevant to my business needs?

    You’re unique and we treat you as such.

    The strategy and content are 100% tailored to your needs based on your existing content (mostly your website and other materials you can share) and your response in the intake form.

    Plus, if you need articles that reflect your voice, you can opt for interview-based articles.

    Where can I use the Article Writing service?

    We usually deliver the articles in Google Docs (this way you can also easily provide exact feedback). You can then use the content as you want.

    Most of our customers use the articles:

    • on their blog
    • on another website as a guest post

    Just let us know if they are not intended as blog posts for your website, so we can craft the article to suit your needs.

    What are interview-based articles?

    Interview-based articles are meant to help you develop a unique blogging voice. And in order to make the articles sound like you, we will set up a call with you before getting started on the articles. 

    Wondering how this usually works? We will prepare a set of questions, jump on a call with you, take notes, and get started on the article that does the most justice to your voice and your brand.

    What’s the difference between the Article Writing Service and the Social Media Specialist?

    With the Content Writing (Articles) we write long-form (about 1000 words) articles that you can use on your blog, newsletter, or anywhere you’d like.

    With the Social Media Specialist, we write (usually short) social media posts that get shared on your social profiles.

    What’s the difference between the weekly and the monthly Article Writing service?

    The only difference between these two services is the number of articles you get each month. Well, that and the price.

    With the monthly option, you get one article each month. So if you would use this service for a full year, you’d get 12 articles.

    With the weekly option, you get one article each week. Depending on the number of weeks in a month, sometimes you’ll get 4 articles and in others, you might get 5. So if you would use this service for a full year, you’d get 52 articles.

    What’s the intake form?

    The intake form is a small form that we ask our Concierge customers to fill out, so we can provide the best services. Shortly after you become a customer, we’ll email you the link, and you’ll have to answer a couple of questions.

    Depending on the service you have, the form will differ, but the main idea is for us to better understand your business and your needs.

    How long does it take from the time I pay until the time it’s all running?

    It usually takes less than one workday for us to email you and ask for the intake form responses, plus any other questions we might have.

    Then, it all depends on how quickly you fill out the intake form. If you know your market, it takes 10-15 minutes at the most.

    Once we have your replies, your designated Content Writing Bee will get in touch and present you with 10 blog title options and a set of a minimum of 15 SEO-friendly keywords. Once we have a green light from you, we get started on the first article.

    We’ll make sure to follow up a couple of times to get your approval on the titles and keywords, but if we get no response from you, then we’ll simply start delivering articles with the titles and keywords we’ve proposed. Since you are paying for the service, we will be honoring that.

    How can this be so accommodating?

    We’re using internal trainings, tools, and procedures to really streamline our content creation activities. We’ve removed most of the overhead regular agencies have, and this allows us to offer this service at a convenient price.

    Do I need a SocialBee Platform license?

    No, you don’t. Though the platform would help you with posting on social media. 😉

    But if you want to use this service without having a SocialBee license, email us before so we can set that up for you.

    What kind of Article Edits can I request for the Article Writing Service?

    It all depends on your business needs. We can edit existing articles for SEO optimization, repurpose existing content for different formats, or write articles based on webinar scripts or video recordings.

    Book a 1-on-1 Call with a Specialist!

    Would you like to learn more about our services? Book a call below!

    Customer Success Team
    Social Media Content Ideas
    150+ Social Media Content Ideas

    Get access to hundreds of social media content ideas, along with tips to start planning your posting calendar today.

    NEW Integrations: Canva, Unsplash, and GIPHY! 
    Use SocialBee’s integrations to create your social media graphics.
    Then, share your posts across social profiles from one main dashboard.